
This page is about the music software roon

Sources for downloadable audio files

Instead of buying downloads, it is often cheaper to buy used CDs. It makes sense to buy a download when an album is available, for example, in a higher quality. It is also advisable to compare different download provider, as they often offer the same albums in different quality and prices. Unfortunately, there are also country-specific differences.

A psychological effect of my personal experience is that you deal more intensively with a purchased album than, for example, with a streamed one.

A good source to find Hi Res Audio is the most complete list of MQA albums so far found on Tidal. This is primarily about MQA files, but these are often found in FLAC or WAV format at different providers.


It should be mentioned here only provider who offer at least CD-quality. Of course there are many other providers, but I personally use the following ones: